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 1. Pastor Dan Skogen  The Activities of a Healthy Church Action toward our Church Family   
 2. Pastor Dan Skogen  The Activities of a Healthy Church   
 3. Rev. Ian Hamilton  Acts 9:31: The marks of a healthy church  Cambridge Presbyterian Church 
 4. Kevin Allen  The Family As The Little Church  The Illumined Heart 
 5. Kevin Allen  The Family As The Little Church  The Illumined Heart 
 6. Joshua Harris  The Family: Taking It Home to Your Local Church Community  New Attitude 2006 
 7. Jason Clark  Balancing Life: Work, Family, Church & Ministry  Vineyard Church Sutton Podcast 
 8. Three Holies Church Choristers  Three Holies Church Choristers - The Hymns of the Ancient Church - [complete Magnatune album]  The Hymns of the Ancient Church 
 9. Don A. Elbourne Jr.  Responsible Church Membership - Homecoming 2008 - Lakeshore Baptist Church  Lakeshore Baptist Church 
 10. Rev. Andy Bales, Mayra Nolan and Gary Yuman  Planting A Holistic Latino Neighborhood Church within a Mega-Church  CCDA 2004 
 11. Church of the Cross  Church of the Cross - A Prayer for the Church - Mark Booker  Philippians 
 12. Chiswick Christian Centre  God wants to Kick the Church out of the Church - Kevin & Chad Dedmon  Chiswick Christian Centre 
 13. Chiswick Christian Centre  God wants to Kick the Church out of the Church - Kevin & Chad Dedmon  Chiswick Christian Centre 
 14. Bob Hoekstra  The Church: How Jesus Builds It #4 - Ministry to the Church  www.firefighters.org 
 15. Abundant Life Church of God  Church Health Is The Key To Church Growth - Part 6  Sermons 
 16. Dr. Jeff VanGoethem  The Church as God's Flock and the Church as God's Army   
 17. Mr. Greg Gilbert  Church History in the 18th and 19th Century - Church History  Church History 
 18. Rev. Richard J. Vincent  Home Sweet Home: The Church as the Family of God  www.TheoCenTriC.com 
 19. Pastor Dick Crosby  2008 09-07 Church: Why Have Church?  Hannaford Street Bible Church 
 20. feedback@gspn.tv  About The Church 071 - How Do We Define Church?  feedback@gspn.tv 
 21. Herbert W. Armstrong  True Church, Two Church  World Tomorrow Radio Program 
 22. Dr. Mark Dever  Church History from the Civil War to the Present - Church History  Church History 
 23. The Infidel Guy Show  Black Church Failure, The Failure of The Black Church - Steve Cole MD - 01-25-2007  www.infidelguy.com 
 24. Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twersky  Healthy Family Relationships   
 25. Dr Nick Needham  The value of Church History or Why we should study Church History  Historical Lectures 
 26. Stephen B. Thomas, PhD  A Successful Community-Academic Partnership to Address Health Disparities: The Healthy Black Family Project  HSLC Lecture Capture 
 27. Brian Shuler, Jake Stimpson, Scott Youngberg  Who's Church is it Anyway  Cornerstone Lake Country 
 28. Joe Wall  The Church at War  Dallas Seminary Chapel 
 29. Delerue, Georges  In The Church  FSM V6N10 - Our Mother's House / The 25th Hour 
 30. T-Pain Ft. Teddy Verseti  Church  Step Up 2: The Streets (OST)   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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